Teacher U

KIPP NC Teacher U is dedicated to preparing candidates who are employed at a KIPP NC elementary or secondary schools, focused on student achievement, continuous school improvement and professional development, in service of KIPP NC’s mission.

The Educator Residency Program is an accelerated 13-month program created to prepare current KIPP North Carolina teachers in meeting NC DPI licensure requirements.

  • Elementary (K-6 Licensure)
  • 2-4 courses per semester
  • Asynchronous and synchronous (virtual) coursework
  • Cohort model to support & systematic plan of study
  • Free tuition for the first year
  • Personalized support
  • Clinical Supervisors and licensed coaches
  • Onsite coaching and observations

Cohort candidates must fulfill all requirements set forth by NC DPI Residency License requirements. This includes yearly licensure renewal, employment, testing, coursework, etc. Enrollment in KIPP NC Teacher U program does not guarantee employment or fulfillment of all licensure requirements. Please always consult with NC DPI & KIPP NC Teacher U websites regarding processes and deadlines.

KIPP North Carolina Teacher U Program Requirements

Course of Study
Completion of the required course of study with a 70% (or a C-) in all courses and a minimum 2.7 GPA

Field Experience
Completion of 12 hours of field experiences

Course work and Residency Teaching Requirement
Satisfactory completion of a clinical Residency of at least one (1) academic year

NC Required Exams
Attempt all NCSBE required content area exam(s) for the requested licensure area

Readiness Checkpoints
Quarterly evaluation checkpoints provide an opportunity for the resident, the Mentor School Leader, Director of Leadership Development, and other regional stakeholders, to reflect on the Resident’s progress towards leader readiness.

Passing score on the edTPA assessment

Course Snapshot

Admission Requirements

Earned Degree

An official, degree-conferred undergraduate transcript that shows proof of a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution of higher education or equivalent earned at a recognized foreign institution.


Demonstrate a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 on four point scale*.

Employment with KIPP NC

Hired for a full-time classroom position at KIPP NC school.


Evidence of completing either 24 credit hours of coursework in the requested licensure area OR passing scores on all NCSBE required content area examination(s) for the requested licensure area.

Mindset and Beliefs

A WHOLEHEARTED belief that ALL children can go to college, succeed in any career, and conquer any goal they decide to pursue!

Successful applicants will be offered enrollment and are expected to start July of 2025.

The application for the 2024-25 KIPP NC Teacher U is open from March 31 – April 30, 2025.

Unmatched Support for All Participants

School Residency
As a member of the school leadership team, a resident’s campus placement is a key component of the program. Mentor principals are proven, results-driven high performers focused on providing mentorship aligned to your personal development.

Individualized one-on-one coaching is focused on the resident’s development. The resident and their coach will work together to build self-awareness and learn how to apply adaptive skills to build a foundation for success. Through coaching, residents will solidify their personal style and work to uncover their own solutions to the challenges associated with being an inspirational leader.

Professional Development
In addition to direct support, Principals In Residence are surrounded by others that understand this journey better than anyone else. The cohort of residents comes together for quarterly multi-day retreats that afford residents the opportunity to build community with participants across North Carolina. In addition to the sessions aligned to building skills along the development roadmap, residents will be given the opportunity to trade success stories, challenges, and innovative ideas. Many sessions will be led by KIPP North Carolina and KIPP Foundation leaders, giving residents the unique opportunity to engage and learn from their 100+ years of collective wisdom and experience.